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Journal Articles
Study of Classroom Actuality about Metacognitive Guide Talking
Pages: 59-62
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Mathematics Education

Keyword:  mathematics classroommetacognitive guide talkingheuristic teachingteaching style;
Abstract: The author gives concrete analyses of the usage of metacognitive guide talking for class cases. The followings conclusion are obtained: Application is less and unbalance about metacognitive guide talking; Classroom permeate heuristic teaching thought of application more metacognitive guide talking, in the person of "process" teaching pattern; Classroom permeate simply tell of non-application metacognitive guide talking, in the person of "result" teaching pattern; usage of metacognitive guide talking have teaching style to do with; Teacher needs to recognize teaching value of metacognitive guide talking, assurance degree of using about metacognitive guide talking.
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