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Study on Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation Characteristics and Tolerance of Pioneer Plants from Central Tibet Mining Area
Author(s): ZHAO Yu-hong, JING Jiu-wang, WANG Xiang-tao, YUE Hai-mei, NIU Xin-yu, FANG Jiang-ping, Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College
Pages: 598-
Year: 2016
Journal: Acta Agrestia Sinica
Keyword: Central Tibet mine; Pioneer plants; Heavy metal; Bioaccumulation characteristics; Tolerance;
Abstract: The pollution of heavy metals in central Tibet mining area is serious.Selection and research for plants that can adapt to the local climate and soil condition and tolerate heavy metal is the premise of vegetation recovery and soil bioremediation of the mine wasteland.6kinds of pioneer plants and their soil heavy metal contents were analyzed.The results showed that heavy metal pollution at Lawu mine tailings was serious,and the soil was polluted by Zn,Cu,Pb,Cd elements at the same time.All the 6kinds of pioneer plants can adapt to the mining soil,and have certain tolerance to heavy metals.Based on their heavy metal absorption characteristics,Rumex nepalensis and Festuca rubra belong to accumulator plants,Kobresia pygmaea,Urtica hyperborea,Polygonum viviparum belong to compartment plants,and Elymus nutans belongs to excluber plant.Under the condition of compound pollution,Rumex nepalensis can accumulate zinc to more than 1000mg·kg-1,the cadmium of Urtica hyperborea wasmore than 50 mg·kg-1.Both Rumex nepalensis and Urtica hyperboreahavethe characteristics of hyperaccumulation plants,and relatively more tolerant to the tailings area with heavy metal pollution.They can be used as a restorative materials to control the area with heavy metal pollution.
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