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Journal Articles
Partial pressure and diffusion flux of dissolved carbon dioxide in mainstream and tributary (Zhuyi River) of the Three Gorges Reservoir in summer
Pages: 497-504
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Shanghai University(Natural Science Edition)

Keyword:  Three Gorges Reservoirpartial pressure of carbon dioxidediffusion flux of carbon dioxideZhuyi River;
Abstract: 以三峡库区中长江干流及其支流朱衣河作为主要研究对象,于2013年5-7月对该研究区域干支流的CO2分压进行了研究,并计算出CO2的扩散通量.研究结果表明,在水体剖面上表层水体CO2分压最小;随着水深增加,CO2分压急剧增大,到达10 m后才保持稳定.干支流表层水体CO2分压的分布和扩散通量差异显著.5-7月,干流水体表层CO2分压为220.8~268.0 Pa,CO2扩散通量为51.05 mmol·m-2.d-1;支流水体表层CO2分压为14.9~190.3 Pa,3个月的CO2扩散通量分别为0.42,-0.12和20.83 mmol·m-2.d-1.研究结果表明,支流释放的CO2远小于干流.
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