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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Upper crustal velocity structure along the Yangtze River from Ma’anshan to Anqing
Pages: 390-396
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Earthquake Research in China

Keyword:  Artificial seismic sourceAir-gun3D seismic tomographySurvey geometry;
Abstract: We applied 3D first arrival travel time tomography method to the Anhui artificial seismic source experiment data,and obtained the imaging of upper crust velocity structure beneath the Yangtze River from Ma’anshan,Tongling to Anqing.Data fitting reveals the tomographic model fits the data within uncertainties,without overfitting,with a minimum of complexity.The tomographic result shows obviously heterogeneous upper crust which consists of a series of uplifts and depression basins.The velocity model implies this region has experienced crustal uplifts and extensions which was concomitant magmatic activity since the Cenozoic.
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