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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Selection of Infrastructure Projects Under PPP Mode Partners
Pages: 85-89
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Construction Management Modernization

Keyword:  PPP modelinfrastructure projectspartner selectionmulti-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;
Abstract: Under PPP model,the introduction of market competition mechanism to effectively alleviate the pressure on government finances, improving project operational efficiency, and maximizing the public interest,the PPP model is favored by all levels of government in our country. In an increasingly competitive market conditions strengthened,to select a private partner by the public partner is vital to success of the project. Based on the lifecycle of the PPP projects,capacity of the private partners were analyzed to obtain the components of financial ability,business reputation. An private partner evaluation index system is built and entropy theory is used to determine the weight. A multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is established and validated by a case.
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