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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Historical Images and Transition of Gu in Ancient Documents:Historical Transition of Gu
Pages: 88-97
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Kunming Teachers College

Keyword:  Guwitchcraft of Guworms of Gupoisons of Gudiseases of Gubirthplace of Gutransitionenvironmental destruc-tion;
Abstract: The “Gu”is recorded as different forms such as witchcraft,worms,poisons and diseases ancient documents.Before the Republic of China,its existent forms and quantity showed an increasing trend with different forms in Yellow River basin,Yangtze River basin,southeast China,south of the Five Ridges and southwest areas and underwent the transferring process from the north to the south.In different historical periods,its transition has been affected by anthropic factors such as population migration,environmental destruction,cognitive concepts and natural factors.Among them,climate change and environmental destruction are the important exter-nal impetus.
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