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Journal Articles
Comparative study of two simulation methods for reconstructing side-slip accident in Pc-Crash
Pages: 80-84
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: China Safety Science Journal

Keyword:  accident reconstructionsimulationPc-Crash softwaresideslip accidentSequence modeldriving model;
Abstract: The paper was aimed at studying correlation between two different methods for reconstruction side-slip accident in Pc-Crash. Steps of the two methods, Sequence and "Drive model" were given firstly. Then a side- slip accident was reconstructed by the two methods respectively. After that, values of many outputs in some special time and the whole simulation time were compared. Results showed that, at 0.967 s, values of the vehicle velocity, the vehicle heading direction, the velocity direction and the vehicle location obtained by using the two methods are close to each other, that at 2.780 s, which is the end time of the simulation, values of all parameters obtained by using the two methods are close to each other also except the vehicle velocity, the error of the vehicle velocity is about 2 km/h, that in the whole process simulation, the curves of tire lateral forces, yaw angular velocity, vehicle velocity and vehicle heading direction show the two methods are consistent with each other, and that since the vehicle motion in the two methods is all controlled by the steering angle, the curves of the steering angle are different obviously from each other. Results show that there are many analogies between the two methods.
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