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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Assessment of the Likelihood of Gas Pipeline Failure with Multi-level Grey Method
Pages: 111-114,117
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Oil-Gasfield Surface Engineering

Keyword:  natural gas pipelinefailure likelihoodrisk factorAHP analysisgrey theory;
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of risk assessment of natural gas pipeline failure probability analysis method, according to the system engineering basic principles and practical engineer-ing, risk factors of oil and gas pipeline were analyzed, set up the pipeline failure probability risk factor hierarchical graph. Based on the analytic hierarchy process and grey theory, a pipeline failure probability analysis model is established based on grey level, and the model is used to calculate the long pipeline in China. The calculated results show that the pipeline's risk value is 3. 3881, the risk level is general. The pipeline needs to attract the attention of the relevant departments,and according to the risk factors for inspection,to reduce its risk.
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