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Journal Articles
Mine Emergency Rescue Command and Information Communication and Transfer Molding Network Model
Pages: 184-186+225
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Express Information of Mining Industry

Keyword:  Mine emergency rescueEmergency command informationInformation generationInteraction management modeInformation communication model;
Abstract: In the mine emergency rescue command information transmission process,the following problems are existed,there is no emergency information system construction norms,information dissemination and sharing is difficult,the lack of diagonal and vertical communication leapfrog many other issues of communication,the emergency information medium of communication,the three-dimensional structure and its evolution process of information communication are analyzed. According to the mine emergency command platform framework and interaction management chain effect theory,the effectiveness of mine emergency rescue is analyzed in depth for the information transfer perspective,the mine emergency rescue command chain information communication model and its simplified model to provide reference for mine emergency command.
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