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Research on Inner Defect Detection of Pressure Vessels with Digital Shearograhy Method
Author(s): Feng Xiu, He Xiaoyuan, Jin Liang, Zhou Hehe, Department of Engineering Mechanics.Southeast University, Department of Mechanical Technology, Nanjing Polytechnic Institute
Pages: 341-
Year: 2016
Journal: Applied Laser
Keyword: pressure vessel; digital shearograhy; defect; detection;
Abstract: The inner defect detection of pressure vessels was studied via the experiment in which the digital shearograhy and phase-shifting method were used.The wrapped diagrams and unwrapping diagrams of phase change of these specimens which have different diameters and depths under the various pressures were obtained.The results show that the defect of pressure vessels are detected when the proportion of the diameter and the depth of defect is greater than 9.Based on the phase diagram,it is easily determined whether the defect exists,and the defect relative size can be qualitatively obtained.Finally,the defect size is calculated from the out-of-place displacement gradient,and both the errors of the experimental and theoretical results are less than 15%.It proves that there is feasibility and advantage of the digital shearograhy when it is used in inner defect detection of pressure vessels.This study provides a new method that can detect inner defects of pressure vessels and widen the application of the digital shearograhy.
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