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Application of Genetic Algorithm in Construction of Criminal Early Warning Cumulative Model
Author(s): YAN Pan-pan, CHEN Pi-wei, CAO Sheng-shan, WANG Qi, Lü Ke-bo, GAO Xiang
Pages: 142-
Year: 2016
Journal: Computer Technology and Development
Keyword: criminal early warning; cumulative model; genetic algorithm; parameters identification;
Abstract: By establishing the linear cumulative model,it studies the classification of the criminal suspects to realize the early warning of criminal activity. The cumulative model parameters determined come down to solving a target function non-analytic of the parameters i-dentification problem,and use genetic algorithm to solve this model getting the optimal parameters. In order to overcome premature and local convergence of traditional genetic algorithm,it puts forward an improved genetic algorithm with a modified crossover operator and mutation operator in this paper. Improved genetic algorithm can speed up the convergence rate,thus shortening the time to find the optimal solutions and improving the efficiency of full instructions. The experimental result shows that improved genetic algorithm applied to crimi-nal suspects has better operating efficiency to solve optimal parameters classification problem,and this cumulative model has good accura-cy.
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