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Construction of Grammar Syllabus for Oral Chinese Teaching
Author(s): Xu Jingning
Pages: 1-
Year: 2016
Journal: Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies
Keyword: grammar syllabus; syntactic grammar; modality grammar; discourse grammar; subgenres of spoken language;
Abstract: This paper aims to construct a grammar syllabus for oral Chinese teaching.It claims that the basic feature of oral grammar is closely related to communication and function and that the grammar syllabus for oral Chinese teaching should be function-oriented.The oral Chinese grammar system includes three categories,which are termed as syntactic grammar,modality grammar and discourse grammar.When constructing the oral Chinese teaching grammar syllabus,issues such as lexico-grammar,subgenres of spoken Chinese,grammar items within the syllabus,supplementary items,reference pedagogical grammar should also be taken into consideration.All the grammar items should be graded in the syllabus according to their usage frequency,generality and difficulty.
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