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Journal Articles
Rat urinary metabolomics analysis of intervention of Phellinus igniarius based on ultra high performance liquid chromatography with high-definition mass spectrometry
Pages: 811-816
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Chinese Journal of Chromatography

Keyword:  ultra high performance liquid chromatography( UPLC)high-definition mass spec-trometry( HDMS)metabolomicspattern recognition analysisPhellinus igniariusrat urine;
Abstract: To investigate the influence of oral administration of decoction of Phellinus igniarius on the body,this study utilized ultra high performance liquid chromatography with high-definition mass spectrometry( UPLC-HDMS)technology to detect the change of metabo-lites in rat urine after oral decoction of Phellinus igniarius. Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis( OPLS-DA ) was adapted to analyze the metabolites of rat urine in the control group and dosed group,then the potential biomarkers were screened out. Finally the related metabolic pathways were analyzed by MetaboAnalyst 3. 0 website. The results showed that urinary metabolites in the two groups were well separated at the 28th day, and 10 biomarkers were found and identified. After the oral administration of decoction of Phellinus igniarius,it mainly impacted the cysteine and methionine metabolism,arginine and proline metabolism,purine metabolism pathways. These results of the study would lay a foundation for further research on the pharmacodynamic mechanism of Phellinus igniarius.
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