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Journal Articles
How do Western Communication Theories Connect with Marxism?
Pages: 102-114+151-152
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journalism Bimonthly

Keyword:  MarxcommunicationpragmatismCriticism Schoolcapitalist communication system;
Abstract: From the perspective of the intellectual history, the mainstream communication makes use of the tradition of social criticism which is cultivated by pragmatism, progressivism and other thoughts. As in the following, the mainstream communication "stares" at Marxist critical spirit, takes advantage of Marxist critical study to make up the defects of empirical study or becomes a part of Marxist critical study; Communication criticism searches ideological resource from Marxism to adjust, transform and improve itself for revealing the power mechanism of the mass communication of capitalism; When reflecting technological civilization, the research of media ecology comes across with Marxism. It tends to exclude the technology of political and economical analysis. Instead, the research of media ecology makes for the moral critics of technological civilization. Therefore, it seems that Marxist text often finds itself embedded into the deviation analysis of technological civilization.
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