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Research on Multi-level State Evaluation Method of Power Transformer Based on KPI
Author(s): PEI Yulong, SUN Qi
Pages: 1-
Year: 2016
Journal: Zhejiang Electric Power
Keyword: power transformer; relative inferiority degree; membership degree; synthetic fuzzy evaluation;
Abstract: The multi-level state fuzzy evaluation method of power transformer working station is proposed based on KPI (Key Performance Indicator). Firstly, the paper proposes to build key evaluation indicator for power transformer with KPI to ascertain the transformer status indicators and assessment level; secondly, it introduces transformer multi-level evaluation strategy of transformer based on AHP set pair analysis and show the relative deterioration of transformer from actual status to fault status of power transformer through relative inferiority degree; thirdly, the paper constructs degree of membership function and relative inferiority degree function to describe the operation condition uncertainty of transformer; Finally, the paper builds a compre-hensive evaluation matrix and by combining the evaluation index weight assesses multi-level evaluation factors of transformer and quantizes the transformer evaluation results to comprehensively conclude transformer work-ing condition. The case analysis shows that the multi-level state evaluation method of power transformer based on the KPI can effectively and accurately evaluate the working state of power transformer.
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