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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Analysis of Installation Status of Submarine Single Insulated Pipeline
Pages: 47-50
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Tianjin Science & Technology

Keyword:  submarine pipelinesingle insulated pipelineinstallation analysisfinite element;
Abstract: Due to the low manufacturing cost and high laying efficiency,submarine single insulated pipeline has been used in many offshore marginal oil field projects in China.In this paper,considering the load transfer and deformation coordina-tion condition,the installation state of the single insulated pipe stress was analyzed,and then a three-dimensional model of pipe and the stinger was established with finite element program ABAQUS,calculation and analysis were carried out on the S-lay process of pipeline. TheMises stress,shear stress distribution and bending moment along the pipeline were ob-tained.The research will provide design references for single insulated pipeline installation method,and can provide guid-ance for pipelaying in practice.
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