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Journal Articles
Time-Variant Flexural Performance Analysis of Concrete Bridges in Atmospheric Environment
Pages: 385-394
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University(Natural Science)

Keyword:  concrete bridgescarbonizationflexural capabilityreinforcement corrosiondeterioration;
Abstract: In this paper,the time varying flexural performance of concrete bridges under the influence of environmental factors such as carbonation and steel corrosion was studied,in order to promote the application of whole life design method in bridge design. Firstly,the effect of structural stress on concrete carbonization was studied experimentally. And then,the corrosion of steel reinforcement,strength degradation and degradation of bond strength were analyzed by the existing literature.Furthermore,the concrete cover corrosion spalling damage was investigated by numerical simulation.In the end,the time-variant flexural performance analysis method of concrete bridges in atmosphere environment was suggested and an actual bridge was analyzed by this method. The results demonstrated that the performance of the bridge degraded gradually and the degradation rate accelerated obviously after the initial corrosion of the pre-stressed reinforcement. The influence of degradation should not be ignored in the design,and the time varying performance should be considered.
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