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Treatment of Acrylic Emulsion Wastewater by Combined Coagulation and Fenton Oxidation
Author(s): XIANG Zhi-cheng, LI Ye, YANG Dan-dan, CHENG Wei, ZENG Wei, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Pages: 70-
Year: 2016
Journal: Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
Keyword: acrylic wastewater; wastewater treatment; coagulation; Fenton oxidation;
Abstract: Combined coagulation and Fenton oxidation was used on acrylic emulsion wastewater treatment.As the effect of pH value changes,the dosage of coagulant,the proportion of Fenton reagent were investigated and shown by COD removal and turbidity removal.The COD of original acrylic wastewater was 5 470 mg/L,and turbidity was14 904.1NTU.After combined coagulation and Fenton oxidation treatment,COD dropped to 190.3mg/L,and turbidity dropped to approximately 60 NTU.COD removal efficiency was 96.5% and turbidity removal efficiency was 99.6%while pH of coagulation was 8,0.9g/L for flocculant of PAC,4 mg/L for PAM,3for pH of Fenton oxidation,2and0.075 for H2O2/COD(w/w)and Fe2+/COD(w/w).The biodegradability of wastewater improved by the treatment.
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