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Deck Waterproof Technology under New Situation
Author(s): Yu Zheng-Jun
Pages: 94-
Year: 2016
Journal: Building Technique Development
Keyword: bridge waterproofing; construction technology; waterproof coiled material; expansion joint;
Abstract: Bridge deck waterproofing construction of high-speed railway bridge construction content can not be ignored,in order to improve project quality,and take effective waterproofing technology is essential.Combined with Shijiazhuang,Jinan Railway Passenger Dedicated Line SJZ-3 tenders bridge deck waterproofing actual situation,introduce appropriate waterproof technical measures,including waterproof layer,a protective layer of concrete from water,expansion joints,bridge rainwater holes,drains,outer railings,beam end cap waterproof construction beams.Measures introduced waterproof construction technology,pointed out that the construction problems that need attention,provides guidance and reference for similar bridge deck waterproofing construction.
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