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Clinical efficacy of combined therapy of narrow-band ultraviolet B and 2% ketoconazole lotions for pityriasis versicolor
Author(s): LIU Zhichao, MA Lingyun, SUN Xinjun, YAN Jianjun
Pages: 183-
Year: 2016
Journal: Journal of Jining Medical College
Keyword: Pityriasis versicolor; 2% Ketoconazole lotions; Narrow-band ultraviolet B; Combined thera-py; Efficacy;
Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of the combined therapy of narrow-band ultraviolet B and 2% ketoconazole lotions for Pityriasis versicolor. Methods One hundred and twenty patients with Pity-riasis versicolor were involved in this study. They were randomly divided into three groups and treated by dif-ferent therapies,respectively. Group A(40 patients)was only treated with 2% ketoconazole lotions,Group B (40 patients)only with narrow-band ultraviolet B,Group C(40 patients)with the combined therapy of nar-row-band ultraviolet B and 2% ketoconazole lotions. The average deflorescence duration and the result of mycology examination were analyzed. Results The average deflorescence duration was 18. 56 ± 2. 25 days, 10. 32 ± 2. 19 days and 6. 46 ± 2. 14 days in Group A,B and C,respectively. The effective rate was 72. 5% , 77. 5% and 97. 5% in Group A,B and C,respectively. The results of group comparison showed that there were significant difference between Group C and Group A,Group C and Group B(all P values < 0. 01). Con-clusion The combined therapy of narrow-band ultraviolet B and 2% ketoconazole lotions is optimal choice for the Pityriasis versicolor. It shortens the deflorescence duration significantly,and elevates the cure rate and effective rate highly.
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