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CIM Aggregation Based Functional Units Information Model for High-voltage Distribution Network
Author(s): JIN Yong, LIU Youbo, LIU Junyong, CHEN Li, ZHANG Qiang, DUAN Haoxiang
Pages: 106-
Year: 2016
Journal: Automation of Electric Power Systems
Keyword: high-voltage distribution network; common information model (CIM); obj ect aggregation; functional unit; distribution capacity unit; actual load unit;
Abstract: The automatic information model and the corresponding advanced application for 110 kV high-voltage distribution network(HVDN)still follows the description criterions for transmission network,revealing a lack of special treatment of its own features.Proceeding from the two main aspects in the research,the information model and its advanced application,a functional structure model is built for the features of HVDN of the dispatcher”s concern.The insufficient support of common information model (CIM) for the features and operating characteristics of HVDN is discussed,and a novel object-oriented clustering approach is proposed.The functional unit(FU),which is composed of distribution capacity unit(DCU)and actual load unit(ALU),is defined to describe the HVDN topology and operation status.Specifically,DCU is utilized to represent the operating structure of network,while ALU is used to locate and quantify the actual power load.Hence,any operating scenario can be easily modeled through the two non-standard power system class scripts. Moreover, by integrating operational parameters,the proposed information model supports the modeling script interoperation by dimensionality reduction at the same time.This process facilitates further development of advanced application based on the energy management system (EMS).The case study of an urban high-voltage system shows the feasibility and future application prospects.
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