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Journal Articles
Experimental study on the roadheader cutting load at different coal and rock properties
Pages: 75-79
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Machine Design

Keyword:  cutting loadfinite element methodfirmness coefficientthree-axis force;
Abstract: The mechanism of roadheader cutting process was studied,and the influences of coal and rock properties on the cutting load were deeply analyzed. Aimi at the defects of traditional calculation method of cutting load during the calculation process,the finite element method was proposed to simulate the dynamic cutting process. And the experiment was performed. The different coal and rock firmness coefficients were extracted,and the corresponding coal seam hardness was made to analyze the influence of different coal and rock properties on the cutting load. The relationship between three-axis force and firmness coefficient was derived. The comparison analysis of cutting load simulation results,theoretical formula and experiment showed that these three results were matched. The results showed that the simulation and experiment analysis not only provided a reliable precise calculation method of cutting load,but also offered the reference of cutting tooth selection with different geological conditions of coal or rock.
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