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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Analysis on Geothermal Hot Springs Wastewater Treatment with Composite Artificial Wetland in Tianjin
Pages: 58-60
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Underground Water

Keyword:  Composite artificial wetlandGeothermalHot spring wastewater and Resources;
Abstract: The geothermal hot springs tourism of Tianjin developed rapidly,but a large number of geothermal hot spring wastewater discharged directly which had an impact on the surrounding environment. For Tianjin geothermal hot spring wastewater issues,we built composite artificial wetland system,in which the hot spring wastewater could be purified while building water environment blending with the landscape. The purified water can be used for agricultural irrigation and landsca-ping,that will produce maximal environmental,economic and social benefits. According to characteristics of Tianjin geother-mal hot spring wastewater,we developed a corresponding treatment process,and predicted the extent of wastewater treatment. These will provide new ideas for hot spring wastewater resources utilization and water resources protection in Tianjin.
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