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Construction strategies of genetic linkage map of forest trees and existing problems
Author(s): Zhou Wencai, Zuo Jilin, Zhao Songzi, Xing Weinian, Huang Jianjian, Gong Chun
Pages: 62-
Year: 2016
Journal: Jiangxi Forestry Science and Technology
Keyword: genetic map construction; forest trees; mapping strategy; existing problems;
Abstract: Genetic linkage maps provide a basic platform in genomic studies and breeding in a variety of ways. Base on the genetic linkage maps, the markers tightly linked to traits of interest were useful for QTL detection, marker-assisted selection (MAS) and marker-assisted cloning. The process of genetic map construction for forest trees was summarized, the strategy in constructing genetic linkage maps of trees according to their characteristics was reviewed, and the existing problems in genetic mapping for forest trees were pointed out. Finally,prospect was made for constructing the high quality genetic map of forest trees.
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