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Journal Articles
Effect of Absorption Coefficient of Sapphire on Temperature and Thermal Stress Distributions in Crystal Grown by Heat Exchanger Method
Pages: 513-516
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society

Keyword:  sapphireabsorption coefficientthermal stressnumerical simulation;
Abstract: For an industrial-scale sapphire furnace of heat exchanger method, a two-dimensional global model of heat transfer was established. The internal radiation heat transfer of crystal was simulated by discrete ordinate method. The effect of absorption coefficient on the temperature and thermal stress distributions in the sapphire crystal was investigated. The numerical results indicate that under the effect of the internal radiation, the region with great axial temperature gradient and thermal stress is located at the bottom of the crystal in a range of 1 cm from the bottom surface of the crystal. The maximal axial temperature gradient and stress firstly increase and then decrease with the increase of the crystal absorption coefficient from1.9 m–1 to 1 900 m–1.
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