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Journal Articles
On Thoughts and Practices of Shulujieti by Liu Xianxin
Pages: 9-12+16
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Journal of Chengdu Teachers College

Keyword:  Liu Xianxinshulujietibibliographytextual researchcriticism;
Abstract: Liu Xianxin is an expert on bibliography and has profound thinking in this field. Shulujieti is an important part of bibliography. Studying Liu Xianxin’s thoughts of shulujieti will help to further summarize his bibliography thoughts. According to him,there are two standards for shulujieti,that is,textual research and criticism. Based on the two standards,he made his comments on bibliography works in different dynasties,analyzing their gains and losses. While reading ancient books and records,he wrote a number of unique shulujieti.
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