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Journal Articles
Screening of inhibition of monoamine oxidase activity site from the compatibility Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum and Maca
Pages: 379-381
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Jilin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Keyword:  velvetMacamonoamine oxidaseactive site screening;
Abstract: Objective Iisolated from antler compatibility Macaextract the active site inhibition of monoamine oxidase. Methods The method of using different solvents on velvet compatibility Maca extract obtained by extraction polar parts of each application ELISA assay inhibitory activity of antler Maca extract and compatibility of each polar part of the monoamine oxidase. Results Antler Maca compatibility extract and various polar fractions have monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity at 1. 0 mg / m Lconcentration of each monoamine oxidase inhibition rates were extracted with chloroform layers( 28. 4%),ethyl acetate layer( 46. 2%),n-butanol layer( 40. 6%),velvet compatibility Maca extract( 34. 0%). Conclusion Velvet Maca compatibility extract contains monoamine oxidase inhibitor,wherein the ethyl acetate layer strongest inhibitory activity for inhibiting velvet Maca compatibility extract monoamine oxidase enzyme active site,provide a scientific basis for the further development of velvet Maca compatibility extract.
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