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Effectiveness research of medicatedγintrauterine device and medicated genefix intrauterine device inserted immediately after abortion
Author(s): Wang Kun, Cheng Ying, Yang Hua, Tang Yunhui, Jiang Jing, Ji Fei, Li Laibao, Wu Shangchun
Pages: 198-
Year: 2016
Journal: Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Keyword: Intrauterine devices; Abortion; induced; Uterine hemorrhage; Treatment outcome; Intrauterine devices; medicated; Indomethacin;
Abstract: Objective To compare the effectiveness of medicated γintrauterine device (IUD) and medicated genefix IUD inserted immediately after abortion. Methods A multicenter clinical trail was performed for the study from Mar. 2012 to Jan. 2013. Totally 840 women who volunteered to participate were randomly allocated to γ-group (medicated γ IUD) or genefix-group (medicated genefix IUD) immediately after abortion. While 464 abortion women who had not used IUD or steroids contraceptive methods were chosen as control group. The effectiveness of the IUD were followed up for 1 year. All women were required to record the number of vaginal bleeding days and blood volume of vaginal bleeding within 3 months after abortion. Results At the 12th month, the expulsion was the most common reason for termination. The expulsion rates of genefix-group and γ-group were 2.48/100 women years and 3.12/100 women years, respectively (P>0.05). For the expulsion reasons, IUD moving down could account for more than seventy percent. The removal rate for IUD usage of two IUD groups were almost equal (3.91/100 women years verus 4.35/100 women years), the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). At the 90th day after abortion, comparing with control group, the bleeding and (or) spotting days of genefix-group and γ-group extended by 3.9 and 2.6 days respectively, the differences had statistical significance between the three groups (P<0.05). Among the bleeding and (or) spotting days, spotting days prolonged significantly. At the 12th month, spotting days of genefix-group andγ-group were (9.2±5.9) days and (8.5±4.6) days respectively, more than (5.2 ± 4.0) days of control group. The differences had statistical significance between IUD with control group (P<0.05), and had not between the two kinds of IUD (P>0.05). Conclusion The insertion of medicated genefix IUD and medicated γ IUD immediately after abortion is safe, feasible, has slight side effects and could be effective contraception.
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