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Journal Articles
Numerical simulation of fracture process of rock specimen based on multi-fractal spectra theory
Pages: 76-80
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of University of Science and Technology Liaoning

Keyword:  heterogeneitynumerical simulationmulti-fractal spectrumscale invariance;
Abstract: A heterogeneous strain softening stock specimen was established by finite difference method with the FLAC in order to study nonlinear characteristics of rock fracture process. The multi- fractal theory was used to analyze the scale invariance with different probabilistic algorithm at the pre-peak of rock specimen under uniaxial loading. The multi-fractal spectrum f(α) was studied and the relationship between f(α) and Δαwas analyzed,with the different stages of loading process. The results show that the scale invariance was reasonable when the probabilities were calculated by reasonable method. The left hook shape of the multi-fractal spectrum became more apparent while the loading increased. At the same time,the Δα trended to decrease with the loading. If the possibility of null events were not existed in the boxes,the f(α)maxincreased with the loading. The decrease tendency of the f(α)maxand Δα became slown down, and the value of the f(α)maxandΔα were stable under a certain homogeneity.
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