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Journal Articles
Preparation of Ru/Rh Bimetallic Nanoparticles Stabilized by Heterocyclic Poly(propylene imine) Dendrimer and Their Application for Catalytic Hydrogenation of Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber
Pages: 786-792
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities

Keyword:  HeterocyclePoly(propylene imine) dendrimerRu/Rh bimetallic nanoparticlesNitrile-butadiene rubberHydrogenation;
Abstract: A series of Ru / Rh bimetallicdendrimer-stabilized nanoparticles[Gn-M( RuxRh100- x) DTNs,x: mole molar fraction of Ru] was prepared by complexing-reducing method with the 15-membered azamacrocycles-terminated poly( propylene imine) dendrimer( Gn-M,n = 2,3,4) as template. These bimetallic DTNs were used as catalysts for the hydrogenation of nitrile-butadiene rubber( NBR). The results of UV-Vis spectroscopy( UV-Vis),X-ray diffraction( XRD) and energy dispersive spectrum( EDS) indicated that bimetallic ions were successful reduced and stabilized by Gn-M. Particle size analysis showed that the average size of G2-M( Ru50Rh50),G3-M( Ru50Rh50) and G4-M( Ru50Rh50) DTNs were 7. 5,8. 1 and 4. 5 nm,respectively. G4-M( Ru30Rh70) DTNs catalyst reached the maximum hydrogenation degree( HD) of 99. 51%,and the results of gel fraction measurement and1 H nuclear magnetic resonance(1H NMR) indicated that Ru / Rh DTNs were highly selective for the catalytic hydrogenation of NBR. Moreover,the HD can still reach90. 58% after twice recycle.
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