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Journal Articles
Design and Implementation of Real Confrontation Oriented Simulation Models for Artillery Firepower
Pages: 508-515
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of System Simulation

Keyword:  real confrontationartillery firepowersimulation modelsdesign and implementation;
Abstract: Aiming at the training requirement of real confrontation, a simulation method based on real equipment for artillery firepower was proposed on the basis of the analysis of artillery firepower attacking behavior characteristics. By comprehensive use of the sensor, exterior ballistic calculation, satellite positioning, geographic information and damage assessment technology, using a embedded simulation method, a simulation model of artillery firepower fused information collection of artillery firing data, ballistic endpoint simulation and damage assessment was built, which could reflect systematically and comprehensively artillery firepower attacking process and the result of the strike in the actual combat environment. The model effectiveness and feasibility was verified by a comparison analysis of the results of real and simulation shooting results.
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