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Data Management of Data Processing Framework in Green Data Center
Author(s): Zhang Xiao, Gao Yuan, Wang Xiaoliang, Ge Yiyong, Yang Haixiang, Wan Shupeng, State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, NARI Technology Co, Ltd
Pages: 592-
Year: 2016
Journal: Journal of System Simulation
Keyword: green data center; data processing framework; energy; renewable energy; data management;
Abstract: Using renewable energy in data center is an environment-friendly way to solve the problem of high energy consumption of data center. Since renewable energy is variable, delaying the jobs which has no strict deadline i a widely used strategy to maximize the usage of renewable energy. Meanwhile, turning the idle servers off can further reduce energy consumption. If the data required by the jobs to be processed are unavailable, some servers in sleep state need to be reactivated to guarantee that the data required by the jobs are available. Such operation may lead to energy waste due to the frequent reactive processes. An effective data management algorithm was proposed, which copied the data required by the jobs in waiting queue to active servers in advance. By doing so, the times that the sleep servers were reactivated could be reduced. Simulation results show that the times can be reduced by 43% on average.
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