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Journal Articles
Optimization of Enzymatic Extraction and Nitrite Scavenging Capacity of Flavonoids from Peony Leaves
Pages: 77-81
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Food Science

Keyword:  peony leavesflavanoidscellulasenitritescavenging;
Abstract: Cellulose-assisted extraction was applied to the extraction of flavanoids from peony leaves. Effects of enzyme dosage, p H, temperature and hydrolysis time on the extraction efficiency of flavanoids were investigated. The optimal hydrolysis conditions obtained by orthogonal array experiments for the extraction of flavonoids were as follows: enzyme dosage, 12.5 U/m L; initial p H, 4.5; temperature, 45 ℃; and hydrolysis time, 4 h. Under these conditions, the extraction yield of flavanoids was 2.43%. Flavanoids from peony leaves were able to scavenge nitrite. The optimal reaction conditions for nitrite scavenging by the flavanoids were found to be 20 min reaction at 70 ℃ and p H 4.0 after addition of 25 m L(10 μg sodium nitrate) of the radical scavenger, resulting in a scavenging rate of 62.15%.
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