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Journal Articles
Research on the Compatibility Between the Ability Levels of Differently Aged Employees and Salary Expectations
Pages: 165-170
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)

Keyword:  exployeedifferent age groupability levelsalary expectationcompatibility;
Abstract: In the age of emphasizing values,employees pay more attention to the intrinsic value of salaries than the form.Their search for the match between their competence and salary becomes one of the important components of employee compensation system.Whether employees’ expected salary can be perceived as satisfied in light of compensation level,fairness,and growth rate become an important factors that affect employee pay satisfaction and job behavior.In reality,however,differences exist between the employee and the administration regarding the criteria whether ability has been greeted by compensation value.Employees tend to overestimate their own ability and salary expectations,resulting an employee dissatisfaction.Taking age as an independent variable,the compatibility between employees’ ability and salary expectations is examined.The result reveals that for the group aged 20~30,salary expectation is overall higher than ability level,but ability level can be promoted fast;for the group aged 31~45,ability level is slightly higher than expected salary,and the two variables can basically match each other;after the age of 45,salary expectation is significantly higher than ability level and shows the tendency of deviation.
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