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Farmers’ Willingness of Rural Homestead Circulation and Its Influencing Factors in Major Grain Producing Areas in Northeastern China:A Survey of 300 Households in Yi’an County
Author(s): Chen Jue, Cheng Xianwei, Ni Weiqiu, School of Government, Heilongjiang University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute
Pages: 177-
Year: 2016
Journal: Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
Keyword: homestead circulation; influencing factors; major grain producing areas in northeastern China;
Abstract: To investigate the effect of the willingness of rural homestead circulation in major grain producingareas in northeastern China on the solution of the rural hollowing problem and the guarantee of food security,300 farmers from Yi’an County in Heilongjiang Province were selected to be the participatory in the research.And the Logistic regression model was applied to conducting the quantitative analysis of farmers’ willingnessand influencing factors of rural homestead circulation. The results showed that farmers’ willingness ofhomestead circulation was lower in major grain producing areas in northeastern China. Farmers in the ruralhomestead circulation considered both"economic rationality"and"living rationality". The influencing factorsof rural homestead circulation had some typical regional characteristics, and family population, residentpopulation, homestead number, unused homestead and age, etc. were the major factors. Policy guidance shouldbe strengthened in homestead circulation in major grain producing areas in northeastern China.
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