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Journal Articles
The biological functions of platelet microparticles and the relationship between platelet microparticles and the relevant clinical diseases
Pages: 243-247
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Version)

Keyword:  Blood plateletsPlatelet microparticlesBiological functionsClinical diseases;
Abstract: Platelet microparticles (PMP), small membrane-bound vesicles ranging in size from 0.1 to 1.0 μm, are released from activated and apoptotic platelets, and contain the plasma membrane and cytoplasmic components of the platelets. PMP are the most abundant microparticles in the bloodstream, and contain numerous biologically active molecules contributing to multiple biological functions, such as their participation in hemostasis, cancer growth, pro-inflammation, and tissue regeneration, which are the extension of the platelet’s functionin vivo. PMP may play important roles in many clinical diseases. In this review we focused on the formation, structure, and the physiological roles of the PMP and the relationship between PMP and the relevant clinical diseases.
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