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Journal Articles
MiRNA-150 expression and its significance in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from pulmonary tuberculo-sis patients
Pages: 501-504
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine

Keyword:  pulmonary tuberculosiseripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)miRNA-150;
Abstract: Objective To analyze the miRNA-150 expression profiles in peripheral blood clear cells ( PB-MC) in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and to evaluate its diagnosis significance. Methods41 TB patients were recruited as the experiment group, including 19 patients were sputum smear-positive and 22 patients were spu-tum smear negative. At the same time, 35 healthy people were selected as the control group. PBMC was separated and the total RNA was extracted. The TaqMan probe qPCR was used to determine miRNA-150 relative expression level in all groups, and RNU6B was considered as reference gene. Results The expression of miRNA-150 in PBMC of TB patients was significantly higher than that in the control group (8. 74 ± 1. 36 vs 3. 54 ± 0. 59) (P < 0. 05). ROC curve analysis showed that the sensitivity and specificity of miRNA-150 were 61% and 82% respectively. The miRNA-150 expression level in TB patients with sputum smear positive was significantly higher than that in TB patients with putum smear negative (12. 30 ±2. 43 vs 5. 66 ±1. 12, P <0. 05). Conclusion The expressionm of miRNA--150 is up-regulated in PBMC of TB patients, especially who are with sputum smear positive, and it could be used as diagnosis marker of TB.
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