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Journal Articles
Glucan and Humic Acid:Synergistic Effects on the Immune System
Pages: 34-40
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Humic Acid

Keyword:  glucanhumic acidsimmunityphagocytosis;
Abstract: Humic acids are compounds resulting from decomposition of organic matter. Despite their common presence, our knowledge of their biological effects is limited, and current ifndings are controversial. We decided to evaluate the immunological effects of two different types of humic acids, differing in source and biochemical characteristics. Using both components either alone or in combination with the well-established yeast-derived immunomodulator glucan, we measured their effects on both the cellular (phagocytosis and tumor suppression) and humoral (antibody production and cytokine secretion) branches of immune reactions. In summary, our results suggest that humic acids are biologically ac-tive immunomodulators affecting both the humoral and cellular branches of immune reactions. In addition, the two hu-mic acids studied here are working in synergy in stimulation of the immune reaction, supporting further studies of these natural immunomodulators.%
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