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Waterproof performance of CNT cement-based composite modified by doped silane waterproofing agent
Author(s): Wang Xiaofei, Luo Jianlin, Li Qiuyi, Zhu Xueqing, Collaborative Innovation Center of Engineering Construction and Safety in Shandong Blue Economic Zone, Qingdao Technological University
Pages: 222-
Year: 2016
Journal: New Chemical Materials
Keyword: silane waterproofing agent; carbon nanotube; cement-based composite; orthogonal experiment; impermeability;
Abstract: The orthogonal experiment technique with three factors and three levels was integrated,the effects of water-cement ratio(W/C),the loading of carbon nanotube(wCNT),the addition of silane waterproofing agent(wKH55)on the waterproof performances of CNT cement-based materials modified by doped silane waterproofing agent(KH/CNT/CC)were studied by single-surface capillary absorption method.Orthogonal range analysis revealed that when was W/C=0.32,wCNT=0.2%,wKH55=0.5%,the mass of water absorption of specimen was the minimum,and the water resistance was the best.The absorbed water mass of KH/CNT/CC with wKH55=0.5%after 96 hwas decreased by 170.1g/m2 when compared with the case with wKH55=0.1%.The incorporation of silane improved effectively the impermeability of composite.This will provide a reference for the development of the intrinsic sensors with excellent waterproof performance.
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