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Journal Articles
Attitude pointing control of manipulator based on quaternion
Pages: 173-179+192
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science)

Keyword:  attitude pointingattitude controlquaternionrobot kinematic;
Abstract: A general framework for the kinematic control of manipulator with attitude pointing task was presented.Attitude pointing task is keeping the direction of end-effector instead of its attitude following the command.The nonsingular unit quaternion was adopted in the manipulator kinematic control.The expression of attitude pointing error using quaternion was introduced,and Lyapunov function was constructed to prove the global stability of proposed method used in the closed-loop inverse kinematic control.By using attitude pointing control,the manipulator would get an extra degree of freedom compared to the attitude control.The manipulator would have better dexterity and manipulability.The ability of avoiding joint limits and obstacles was improved.The experiments implemented on a 7-DOF manipulator verified the theoretical results and good performance of attitude pointing control.The comparison with attitude control was given to show the advantages of proposed method.
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