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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Analysis on feasibility of repeated mining under water goaf
Pages: 5-7
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Hebei Chemical Engineering and Industry

Keyword:  protection coal columnrepeated miningfracture zone heightprotection seamthickness;
Abstract: Water goaf up working face is an important factor to affect safe mining production,the water goaf problem of Hongyang Mine was studied. The distribution of fracture zone after mining was studied by fracture and height calculation method,the maximum value was set as the maximum fracture scope after mining,based on the protection of coal column after mining under water,village and bridge,the maximum and the most effective protection seam thickness was chosen to set the height of coal column. Considering the position relationship between the protection coal column scope,coal seam and goaf,it was got that the repeated mining was feasible.
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