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Journal Articles
Prediction of Stress-strain Behavior in 2D Weave Ceramic Matrix Composite under 1∶1 Planar Biaxial Tensile Loading
Pages: 75-79+67
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Materials Science and Engineering

Keyword:  ceramic matrix compositetwo-dimensionbiaxial tensilestress-strain behaviorsshear lag analysis;
Abstract: For the purpose of predicting stress-strain behavior under the 1∶1 planar biaxial tensile loading condition,2D weave structure was simplified as crossply structure.A simplified shear lag analysis using a progressive scheme was proposed for the crossply structure.Closed form solution for stress distributions and traverse crack density of damaged plies as well as the entire laminate could be obtained as a function of the applied load.Based on stochastic matrix crack evolution and stochastic fiber damage,stressstrain behavior and tangent tensile modulus related to applied load in each ply were obtained.And then substituting tangent tensile modulus into the simplified shear lag analysis of crossply structure,stress-strain curve of 2D weave ceramic matrix composite was drawn.Predicted results show that longitudinal and transverse stress-strain curves are almost the same.Predicted results also show that stress-strain curves under the 1∶1 planar biaxial tensile loading and under the uniaxial tensile loading are very close.
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