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Journal Articles
Processing Method of Space Locations of Virtual Human Based on Wavelet Transform and Kalman Filter
Pages: 213-219
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of System Simulation

Keyword:  optical motion capture equipmentspace location information of virtual humanwavelet threshold denoisingweak tracking Kalman filter;
Abstract: For the problem of inadequate smoothness of space location coordinate and large error of acceleration information, a processing method based on wavelet transform and Kalman filter was proposed to realize the valid control of virtual human’ motion process after eliminating error points of motion data. Main acceleration information could be achieved based on the filter method of wavelet transform, and weak tracking Kalman filter was introduced to realize the amendment and smoothness of space location coordinates and acceleration information. Compared to the conventional Kalman filter method, the proposed method could achieve more exact and smooth space location and acceleration information of virtual human and provide a more accurate information guarantee for further analysis of virtual human’ motion process and estimation of virtual human’ operating actions.
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