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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
On the Adaptation of the Tibetan Students from the Tibetan Classes (Schools) in Inland China-A case study of Chongqing Tibet's Middle School
Pages: 166-171
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Tibet University

Keyword:  Tibetan classes in inlandmiddle school studentadaptation;
Abstract: The life and learning adaptation of the Tibetan students from the Tibetan classes (schools) in inland China directly affects their leaning progress and physical and mental health. On the basis of the questionnaire sur-vey of the Tibetan students from Tibet's middle school in Chongqing and combined with the author's own experi-ence, this article explores the adaptation of the Tibetan students from Tibetan classes (schools) in inland China, and analyzes the causes of students inadaptability. Lastly, some suggestion is made in the article as well.
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