Fatigue life prediction and reliability evaluation based on modified grey model
Author(s):Zhang Aiju, Zhang Jinbao, Zhang Gaili, China North Vehicle Research Institure, School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Pages:37-42 Year:2015
Issue:4 Journal:JOurnal of Harbin Bearing Keyword:modified grey model; particle swarm optimization; life prediction; fatigue accumulated damage model; reliability evaluation; Abstract:The modified grey model was introduced to simulate the mean value of the logarithm fatigue life with linear relationship corresponding to the load level, and the variance with fluctuation. The multiple parameters of the model was estimated with particle swarm optimization. The result shows that the mean value fits well with the experiment data and has an excellent linear relationship; the fitting curve of the fluctuation variance is smoothed and demonstrates the growing trend clearly as well as quantificationally predicts the mean value and the variance, expecially for the ones under the fatigue limit, which avoids the employ of the empirical formula. With the mean value and the variance predicted by the modified grey model, the reliability was evluated under the block spectrum combining with the fatigue accumulated damage model. The simulation result of the reliability is verified with the failure probability computed by the median rank.