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Journal Articles
Present situation of safety monitoring and control for hydropower dams and improvement
Pages: 1-7
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Large Dam and Safety

Keyword:  safety monitoring and controlpresent situationimprovement;
Abstract: Safety monitoring and control of hydropower dams include management activities such assafety monitoring, routine patrol, inspection before and after flood, periodical inspection, special inspec-tion, analytic demonstration, expert consultation, level limitation and rehabilitation. For dams of powersector, the regulations are firmly established, the management is proper and the supervision is effective,which guarantee the timely discovery and elimination of defects as well as make the dam safety in con-trol. In regard to data monitoring and control, a lot of research is carried out. However, the research re-sult is not applied yet. As well, the latest development in information technology is not used neither. Inthe future, the application and improvement should be emphasized.
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