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Journal Articles
Submerged fermentation production and characterization of intracellular triterpenoids from Ganoderma lucidum using HPLC-ESI-MS
Pages: 998-1010
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Journal of Zhejiang University Science B

Keyword:  Ganoderma lucidumWortResponse surface methodologyGanoderic acidsHPLC-ESI-MS;
Abstract: As the main bioactive metabolites of Ganoderma lucidum, triterpenoids have various pharmacological effects. In this paper, the nutritional requirements and culture conditions of a submerged culture of G. lucidum were optimized using the response surface methodology;maximum mycelia biomass and intracel ular triterpenoid produc-tion reached 1.87 g/100 ml and 93.21 mg/100 ml, respectively, for a culture consisting of wort 4.10%(0.041 g/ml) and yeast extract 1.89%(0.0189 g/ml), pH 5.40. For the first time, we established that wort, which is cheap and abundant, can replace the more commonly used glucose as the sole source of carbohydrate. Using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS), 10 major ganoderic acids were tenta-tively identified based on the predominant fragmentation pathways with the elimination of H2O and CO2, as well as cleavage of the D-ring.
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