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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research dynamics on the peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii based on bibliometric
Pages: 1208-1219+1318
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Journal of Fruit Science

Keyword:  Carposina sasakiiBibliometricCNKIWeb of ScienceResearch dynamics;
Abstract: 【Objective】To analyze the current situation of research on the peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii both in China and in the world and provide reference for future research.【Methods】CNKI and Webof Science databases were used to analyze the amount of published articles on peach fruit moth and cita-tion,countries,authors,institutions,journals and research content.【Results】Totally 715 articles weresearched on 174 journals by 427 authors of 361 institutes in China from CNKI,and only 30 articles on 12 journals by 23 authors of 22 institutes in 4 countries,such as China,Japan,South Korea and USA wereobtained from Web of Science. The research content for the peach fruit moth involved occurrence regula-tion,management method,population dynamics and physiology,etc.【Conclusion】Research institutionson the peach fruit moth in China are widely distributed,more researchers are involved in the researchand the research content is plentiful. However,the number of papers from SCI is small. The number of pa-pers in China and in the world is very uneven.
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