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Journal Articles
Are You the Elite of the Future Predictive Validity of HEIs’ Admission Criteria for Students’ Academic Performance in the US
Pages: 13-20+107
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Modern University Education

Keyword:  Higher education institutions(HEIs) in the USadmission criteriasocial elitefuture prospects for studentspredictive validity;
Abstract: Higher education institutions( HEIs) in the US usually adopt diversified admission criteria,which not only can help select the best students,but also predict their future performance. The predictive validity of US HEIs’ admission criteria can be measured by three factors,namely,students’ academic achievements,academic retention and degree completion. It is found that US HEIs’ admission criteria can predict to some extent all the above-mentioned three factors. Therefore,selecting the best students is just one of the functions of college admission criteria,which also can be used to predict the academic performance of those elite of the future.
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