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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Discussion on "Digital Savvy"
Pages: 133-139
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Library and Information

Keyword:  concepts and termsdigital savvyinformation literacyuser information behaviorlibrary and information disciplines;
Abstract: This paper discusses the concept of "Digital Savvy" with concern to Zhao Yuxiang’s paper of "Digital Savvy:Conceptualization on the Divide of Digital Native and Digital Immigrant"(Journal of Library Science in China, 2014,6). The definition of "Digital Savvy", the difference between "Digital Savvy" and "Information Literacy", and the research of "Digital Savvy" from the perspective of multi-disciplines was discussed to points out the deficiencies in Zhao’s paper. The author suggests that the concept of "Digital Savvy" should be normalized and studied within the framework of "Information Literacy" and the theories of library and information could be used to study the effectiveness of "Digital Savvy".
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